
  1. 2. Sandwich item
  2. 4. Bread with things of your choice together
  3. 6. Cooked batter with squares
  4. 8. Toppings in a tortilla
  5. 12. Looks like a plantain
  6. 13. Baked and used for a birthday
  7. 15. Blended fruit
  8. 16. Oval with a shell
  9. 17. A circle with a smaller circle in the middle and frosting
  10. 18. Small, flat and sweet
  11. 19. A bird that is common in farms
  1. 1. Chocolate square
  2. 3. Common toppings is pepperoni and/or cheese
  3. 5. Breakfast item that is flat
  4. 7. A side that might come with a burger
  5. 9. Hispanic food with a shell
  6. 10. Vegetables together
  7. 11. Noodles with seasoning for lazy people
  8. 13. What you say when you take a picture
  9. 14. Comes from an animal that says “moo” and is expensive.