
  1. 1. you use this when you drink coffee or tea
  2. 5. it gives heat and light to the earth
  3. 6. some people pump it up from their well
  4. 8. something you do when your in a body of water
  5. 9. its sharp & prickly & you find it in hot climates
  6. 13. it tells you how much energy is in the food
  7. 14. important ingredient you get from meat and eggs
  8. 15. this appears on your paper when you use a pen
  1. 2. its green and you have to mow it often
  2. 3. when you win a race you come in_____ place
  3. 4. one of the biggest planets
  4. 7. children like to ride this two wheeler
  5. 10. huge ocean between the USA & Europe
  6. 11. Hamburgers are made of this
  7. 12. king of the jungle