  1. 1. Nuggets are made out of...
  2. 5. Lemonade is made of...
  3. 6. It's brown and sweet
  4. 8. It's a pink fish.
  5. 10. It's pink and says "oink!".
  6. 12. it's the only purple vegetable (Americans call it Eggplant!!)
  7. 14. it's a very famous show on Netflix. "... Game"
  1. 2. Most people's favourite cake
  2. 3. It's a red fruit with a green hat and it's very sweet
  3. 4. It's red. People think it's a vegetable... but it's actually a fruit!
  4. 7. It's red and it walks backwards.
  5. 9. They're black on the outside and orange on the inside.
  6. 11. It's yellow but it can turn brown if we don't eat it on time...
  7. 13. It's a drink that comes out of the cow.