
  1. 2. This is a liquid used with many dishes.
  2. 3. This is a very popular food from Italy.
  3. 6. This is a red fruit.
  4. 7. These come from chickens.
  5. 9. This word is used for a knife, fork and spoon.
  6. 12. We put our food on this when we eat it
  7. 13. This white powder is used to make bread.
  1. 1. This food is used to make french fries.
  2. 4. These are long, thin and have meat inside.
  3. 5. This stuff is used to make pizza bases.
  4. 8. This is a special spicy sausage from Italy.
  5. 9. This is a yellow dairy food, used on pizza.
  6. 10. A very popular hot drink in China.
  7. 11. We eat this dairy food with a spoon, and often tastes like fruit.
  8. 14. A very sour, yellow fruit.