
  1. 3. An adult drink, keeps you awake, and Szonja really likes it. :)
  2. 4. A public promotion of a product or food, using videos or pictures, online or on billboards.
  3. 8. Sweet liquid, bees make it.
  4. 9. A delicious animal, lives in the water.
  5. 11. Two pieces of bread with ham, cheese and lettuce between them.
  6. 13. Tomatoes, potatoes, cucumber, pumpkin, onion...
  7. 15. The first food you eat at a restaurant.
  1. 1. A problem, where people gain a lot of weight, and they become fat.
  2. 2. A type of onion, small and smelly.
  3. 5. Food or dirty things you throw away when you don't need or want them anymore.
  4. 6. A sweet dessert, you put Nutella or jam in it.
  5. 7. It's made from milk, you put it on top of pizza.
  6. 10. The most important ingredient for noodles or spaghetti.
  7. 12. A person buying food at a restaurant.
  8. 14. The meat you use to make steak.