
  1. 2. Long strips of fried potatoes.
  2. 4. A round piece of meat between two pieces of bread.
  3. 11. A sandwich with melted cheese inside.
  4. 12. A warm food with small noodles that you might eat when you are sick.
  5. 13. A breakfast food that has a yolk inside.
  6. 14. A flat, circular breakfast food usually topped with syrup.
  1. 1. Onions that are dipped in batter.
  2. 3. A food with meat or other ingredients placed between two pieces of bread.
  3. 5. Bread that you can spread toppings on, with a circle in the center
  4. 6. A food from Italy with noodles and sauce.
  5. 7. Flattened bread with sauce and cheese on top.
  6. 8. A type of meat that comes from a cow.
  7. 9. A type of food that includes all types of fish.
  8. 10. A breakfast food that you put in milk.
  9. 15. A food that comes on a cob or in a can.