
  1. 5. soft sweet dessert, baked then decorated
  2. 6. flat dough with sauce, cheese and toppings
  3. 7. liquid dish, boiled meat or vegetables in stock or water
  4. 8. free swimming crustacean, elongated body
  5. 9. large marine crustacean, big pincers
  6. 11. grain used as food, wheat, oats, corn
  7. 12. pressed curds of milk
  8. 15. glossy red fruit, eated as vegetables
  9. 16. pasta made in long slender strands
  10. 18. long curved yellow fruit, soft
  11. 19. tapering orange colored root eated as vegetable
  12. 20. high quality beef, cut into thick slices
  13. 21. ground beef patty with bun and toppings
  1. 1. crisp biscuit, formed into a knot
  2. 2. a thin slice of potatoe fried, and flavored
  3. 3. small pasta enevlopes containing meat, cheese, and vegetables
  4. 4. small fried cake, shapped in a ball or ring
  5. 6. starchy plant, used as vegetable
  6. 10. long thin crisp peice of bread
  7. 13. oval roun d object, laid by birds reptile or fish
  8. 14. soft red ruit with a seeded outter surface
  9. 17. yellowish fruit, narrow stuck wider base, grown on tree
  10. 18. pale yellow fatty substance, churned cream