
  1. 3. It's a mix of different kinds of vegetable.
  2. 4. It's s food which is hunted from water.
  3. 6. Hot-dog is filled with...
  4. 8. Margarita, hawai, mozzarella, salami are ...
  5. 11. From pancake dough you can also make...
  6. 12. It's a dairy product made from separating whole milk or cream.
  7. 13. It's bigger mandarine.
  8. 14. It's a thing that comes from hen.
  9. 15. It's a small fried cake of sweetened dough which has a ring shape.
  1. 1. Parmesan, camembert, gouda are a group of food which is mostly yellow.
  2. 2. It's a food which has many layers of meat and pasta.
  3. 5. It's McDonald's food,cucumber is often added to it.
  4. 7. It's a drink which is white and used to coffees.
  5. 9. It's Italian meal often served with sauce.
  6. 10. It's made of flour, water, and yeast mixed together and baked.