  1. 1. Tasty but not healthy...drinks
  2. 3. Always on top of a pizza
  3. 4. You need this for a hot dog
  4. 6. We need some to make cake
  5. 8. Candies contain a lot of this
  6. 11. Milk and yoghurt are in this food group
  7. 12. A bar of...
  8. 13. We make meatballs with this
  1. 1. You should eat a lot every day to be healthy
  2. 2. Peppers and onions are in this food group
  3. 5. A dozen of...
  4. 7. A greek salad cannot be made without this
  5. 9. When it is fresh, it is healthier
  6. 10. A loaf of...