
  1. 2. to cook in hot steam from boiling water
  2. 5. to heat an oven to a particular temperature before putting food into it to be cooked
  3. 9. a food made from milk that has become thick and slightly sour, sometimes with fruit added to it
  4. 12. milk that has had the cream removed from it
  5. 13. a part of a plant used as food, for example a potato, bean, or cabbage
  6. 14. someone who never drinks alcohol
  7. 17. rules for behaving correctly in social situations
  8. 18. the particular taste that food or drink has
  9. 19. a condition of weakness or illness caused by eating too much food, not enough food or unhealthy food
  10. 20. to cut food into small square pieces
  11. 21. a substance in foods such as bread and potatoes that is a major source of energy or calories
  1. 1. the state of being very overweight, or the medical condition related to this
  2. 3. the natural feeling of wanting to eat
  3. 4. food decays after a short time, especially if it is not kept cold
  4. 6. a set of instructions for cooking or preparing a particular food
  5. 7. a wine expert who advises guests on ordering or pairing wines
  6. 8. to tame animals and keep them for food, work or as pets
  7. 10. extra money given by a guest to a waiter or other staff
  8. 11. a plant used for adding flavour to food or as a medicine
  9. 12. a multi-course meal sold for a fixed price
  10. 15. a particular style of cooking food, especially the style of a particular country or region
  11. 16. a list of the food that is available in a restaurant, café etc