
  1. 1. Jesus chicken
  2. 3. Does this desert have any actual cheese in it (besides cream cheese)
  3. 6. Delicious appetizer type food with mini hotdog things
  4. 8. The name of a hairstyle but also a type of bread
  5. 9. Spicy McDonald’s drink
  6. 10. Useless ice cream; toothpaste that people choose to eat
  7. 11. Form of pasta that people of all ages enjoy
  8. 12. Chocolaty dessert that we always have issues making
  9. 13. The best kind of popped corn kernels
  1. 1. Spread with peanuts usually enjoyed on sandwiches
  2. 2. Edible fish
  3. 3. A big lump with knobs
  4. 4. Apples that we like to eat around the holidays that stores never have
  5. 5. Small, sweet treat usually served at birthday parties
  6. 7. When life gives you lemons, don’t make _________ _______.