
  1. 2. Mexican,Asian, and Indian features these
  2. 4. Alcoholics usually drink it
  3. 5. Italy is known for it
  4. 7. Couples nicknames
  5. 9. Movie named after it staring Jennifer Aniston and Danielle Mcdonald(lmao)
  6. 13. Yellow and a candy is named after it (also a meme)
  7. 15. You can get salmonella from eating it (underscore as space)(two words)
  8. 16. Most common allergy
  9. 18. You can get parasites if it’s bad quality
  10. 19. Resource that covers most of Earth
  11. 20. Found in every single kdrama and donut shop
  1. 1. Spikey yellow fruit
  2. 3. McDonald’s never has it (underscore as space)(two words)
  3. 5. 🍳🍰
  4. 6. Jeffrey Dahmer’s favorite food
  5. 8. The fruit came before the color
  6. 10. Hole in the middle
  7. 11. Japanese rice cake
  8. 12. This comes before the milk
  9. 13. BOK BOK
  10. 14. Long yellow fruit
  11. 17. Most commonly consumed American food