
  1. 3. A food item made by placing ingredients such as meat, cheese, and vegetables between two slices of bread.
  2. 5. A staple food made from flour, water, and yeast, baked to create a soft, spongy texture.
  3. 7. A drinkable liquid, such as water, juice, milk, soda, or tea, consumed to quench thirst or accompany meals.
  4. 9. A small portion of food eaten between meals, often in the form of chips, crackers, or fruit.
  5. 10. A grain that is a common staple food, usually cooked and eaten as a side dish or in dishes like fried rice.
  6. 11. A plant or part of a plant that is used as food, typically savory in taste.
  7. 12. A sweet or savory edible item that is typically grown on trees or plants and contains seeds.
  8. 13. A type of dough made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, formed into various shapes and typically boiled before serving.
  1. 1. Animal flesh that is used as food, typically obtained from mammals or birds.
  2. 2. A sweet treat or confectionery item that is typically consumed after a meal, such as cakes, cookies, or ice cream.
  3. 4. A dairy product made from milk curds, often used as an ingredient or topping in various dishes.
  4. 5. The first meal of the day, typically eaten in the morning, consisting of various foods like cereal, eggs, and toast.
  5. 6. A mixture of raw or cooked vegetables, fruits, and sometimes meat or cheese, served chilled with dressing.
  6. 8. A thick, creamy dairy product made by fermenting milk with bacterial cultures, often flavored or sweetened.
  7. 13. A popular Italian dish consisting of a round, flat base of dough topped with sauce, cheese, and various toppings.
  8. 14. A liquid dish typically made by combining meat, vegetables, or other ingredients with broth or water.