
  1. 2. Butter A spread made from ground peanuts, often used in sandwiches and snacks.
  2. 4. A leafy green vegetable often used in salads and coleslaw.
  3. 6. A flat, round cake made from batter and often served with syrup.
  4. 7. A dairy product made from curdled milk, often used in cooking and as a topping.
  5. 8. A dairy product made by fermenting milk, often flavored and served as a snack.
  6. 9. A small, baked bread product often sweetened and flavored, like a cupcake.
  7. 12. A dish made from beaten eggs cooked with various ingredients like cheese and vegetables.
  8. 13. A dish made from a mixture of vegetables, often served with dressing.
  1. 1. A cylindrical meat product often made from ground meat, like pork or beef.
  2. 2. A type of corn that pops when heated, often flavored with butter and salt.
  3. 3. A sauce made from meat drippings and flour, often served with meat and potatoes.
  4. 5. A small, baked bread product, similar to a cookie but less sweet.
  5. 10. A type of food made from dough, often boiled and served with sauce or in soups.
  6. 11. A sweet, gel-like spread made from fruit juice, often used on bread or toast.