
  1. 3. Musical instrument played with keys?
  2. 4. What is the character made of snow called?
  3. 7. The place where you can borrow books
  4. 8. The planet that is the third from the Sun
  5. 9. In which country are the pyramids located
  6. 13. The tool used for cutting paper
  7. 14. What is needed to start a fire?
  8. 15. What is the opposite of the word "cold"?
  9. 17. What can you fly to the Moon with?
  10. 18. The insect that produces honey.
  1. 1. Bird that can mimic human words?
  2. 2. What is the animal known for its long neck?
  3. 4. An insect known for making webs
  4. 5. Instrument that is played by blowing into a tube?
  5. 6. In which country is the Eiffel Tower located
  6. 10. Who is responsible for maintaining safety in the city?
  7. 11. Sour fruit
  8. 12. The red fruit that is popular in ketchup
  9. 13. The opposite of the word 'happy'
  10. 16. How many continents are there in the world