
  1. 1. A tasty patty in a soft bun with delicious toppings.
  2. 4. Ice cream topped with sweet sauces and toppings.
  3. 5. Molten cheese between toasted bread slices.
  4. 6. Cup Assorted fresh fruits served in a cup.
  5. 8. Dog A grilled sausage in a sliced bun with extras.
  6. 9. Bite-sized rice and toppings with a hint of seaweed.
  7. 10. Long, twirly noodles with a flavorful sauce.
  8. 11. Savory toppings on a crispy, round crust.
  1. 1. A rich, chocolaty square dessert.
  2. 2. Ingredients wrapped in a soft tortilla or flatbread.
  3. 3. Small, crispy bites of breaded goodness.
  4. 4. A blended, fruity drink that's cool and refreshing.
  5. 7. Folded tortillas filled with a mix of tasty fillings.
  6. 9. Fresh veggies tossed together with a tasty dressing.
  7. 10. A fluffy, round breakfast delight.