
  1. 3. it is brown on the outside and yellow on the inside
  2. 4. something white you drink
  3. 7. is a soft, round fruit it is orangey pink it has a lot of juice and it has a stone inside
  4. 9. is a small, red fruit it has small seeds on its surface
  5. 10. grows in the ground and we must cook it before we eat it. It is usel to make chips
  6. 11. is round and light Brown it can make you cry
  7. 12. is sour and yellow
  1. 1. it’s round and red and you eat them it’s a fruit
  2. 2. orange
  3. 5. you can cut with it
  4. 6. is long and green we can eat it in salads or sandwiches
  5. 8. is a big tropical fruit it grows on a tree it can be green, orange or red
  6. 9. you use a spoon when eathing soup