
  1. 2. A small, round fruit with smooth skin and juicy flesh, often eaten fresh or used in desserts.
  2. 5. Having a nice flavor or taste that is enjoyable to eat.
  3. 7. Describes food that is recently prepared, typically characterized by its quality and taste.
  4. 9. food Food that is prepared and served quickly, often associated with McDonald's or Burger King.
  5. 11. A flat cake made from batter and cooked on a hot griddle or frying pan.
  6. 13. A macronutrient found in foods like meat, eggs, and legumes.
  7. 15. Food that has been heated or cooked again after being prepared.
  8. 17. A macronutrient found in foods like bread, pasta, and rice,
  9. 18. To cook food to the point of becoming black due to excessive heat.
  10. 19. A leafy green vegetable often used as a base in salads and sandwiches.
  1. 1. Hot flavor due to the presence of spices or peppers.
  2. 3. Substances found in food that are essential for growth, metabolism, and health.
  3. 4. Describes food that is usually not very good for your body.
  4. 6. A small dish served as the first course of a meal.
  5. 8. A small portion of food eaten between meals.
  6. 10. blogger A person who writes about food, recipes on social media platform.
  7. 12. A beverage, typically sweetened and flavored, often consumed as a refreshment.
  8. 14. A method of cooking food, especially meat, by exposing it to direct heat, typically in an oven.
  9. 16. A crunchy, orange root vegetable often eaten raw or cooked as a side dish.