
  1. 2. 1. ____________are red, sweet and look like small hearts.
  2. 4. 10.An _________________ a day keeps the doctor away.
  3. 5. 3.A______________ is a round, red fruit we usually use as a vegetable.
  4. 7. 9. _______________ is the meat of a pig.
  5. 8. 2. _____________ butter is very popular. You can have it on toast with jam.
  6. 9. 6. A ______________ is what we use to make crisps.
  7. 11. 11.I usually have a ______________of toast for breakfast.
  8. 12. 12. Let’s open a _________________ of tuna.
  9. 13. 14.This curry is very ________________! I don’t like it.
  1. 1. 4. __________ is meat from a cow.
  2. 3. 13.These nuts are so _____________! I need some water!
  3. 6. 8. People often eat toast with jam or ______________.
  4. 10. 7. An ______________ is a round vegetable and it makes you cry when you chop it.
  5. 12. 5.____________ are long, thinly cut potatoes that are deep-fried.