
  1. 1. We're having hamburgers for dinner, so I bought some fresh ... from the bakery.
  2. 2. The ... took our orders and then he brought us our drinks promptly.
  3. 5. The restaurant's ... featured a variety of options, from pasta dishes to seafood.
  4. 7. The restaurant staff all wore matching black ... with white aprons.
  5. 8. Grandma baked a batch (mẻ) of chocolate chip ... for us to enjoy.
  6. 9. I'm trying to eat healthier, so I ordered a plate of ... for lunch.
  7. 10. I bought a bar of dark ... to satisfy my sweet tooth.
  1. 1. I ordered a cheese... with fries for lunch at the diner.
  2. 2. The ... smiled warmly as she served us our meals.
  3. 3. The ... at the table next to us was very pleased with their meal and left a generous tip.
  4. 4. Let's have some potato ... while we watch the movie tonight.
  5. 6. I made some delicious homemade ... for breakfast this morning.