
  1. 3. This is a kind of meat.
  2. 4. I am brown and tasty at Easter!
  3. 5. A delicious, red fruit.
  4. 6. Two pieces of bread with meat in the middle.
  5. 10. You can only have this after dinner.
  6. 11. Another kind of meat.
  7. 13. If you cut this, you might cry.
  8. 14. A kind of grain.
  1. 1. This is made of bread, cheese, and tomato.
  2. 2. I am yellow, curved, and good for you!
  3. 4. I am very important in the Netherlands.
  4. 7. You can come here to eat.
  5. 8. Fish is a kind of...
  6. 9. You might eat me for breakfast.
  7. 11. This vegetable is like a little green tree.
  8. 12. This is a little spicy