
  1. 2. Juicy, red garden fruits.
  2. 4. Fried bird meat.
  3. 5. Round flat baked bread with toppings.
  4. 6. Round, crunchy sweet fruit.
  5. 8. Many tiny white grains.
  6. 9. Crisp, leafy green veggie.
  7. 12. Red berry with green seeds.
  8. 15. Tasty, yellow vegetables.
  9. 17. Fresh mix of veggies.
  10. 19. Round, flat cooked dough.
  1. 1. Grilled meat between buns.
  2. 3. Yellow, spiky fruit.
  3. 4. Sweet, round, baked dessert
  4. 7. Rice, fish, seaweed food.
  5. 10. Orange, crunchy vegetable.
  6. 11. Round, juicy citrus fruits.
  7. 13. Wrapped, stuffed tortilla meal.
  8. 14. A grilled slice of meat.
  9. 16. Folded, mostly salad filled tortillas.
  10. 18. Dough filled with meat (or other fillings).