
  1. 7. A dairy product made from curdled milk, available in many varieties and flavors.
  2. 8. spinach, broccoli
  3. 9. Edible parts of plants that are typically savory or less sweet, used in a wide variety of dishes.
  4. 11. cheese, mozzarella cheese
  5. 12. chicken, pork
  6. 14. wheat bread, white bread
  7. 15. A type of Italian food typically made from wheat and water, available in various shapes.
  8. 17. Animal flesh that is eaten as food. It is a primary source of protein.
  9. 18. tuna, cod
  10. 20. bananas, strawberries
  11. 22. A dairy product produced by fermenting milk with a yogurt culture.
  12. 25. yogurt, flavored yogurt
  13. 26. A white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals, commonly consumed as a drink and used in cooking.
  14. 27. macaroni
  1. 1. A staple grain that is a primary food source for a large part of the world's population.
  2. 2. A staple food made from flour and water, usually baked.
  3. 3. Cold-blooded aquatic animals that are commonly consumed as food.
  4. 4. A dairy product made by churning cream or milk to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk.
  5. 5. eggs, quail eggs
  6. 6. milk, almond milk
  7. 8. Edible grains or breakfast foods made from processed grains.
  8. 10. walnuts, cashews
  9. 13. Edible, sweet, and fleshy parts of plants, often consumed raw.
  10. 16. butter, unsalted butter
  11. 19. cornflakes
  12. 21. Produktów:
  13. 23. Edible seeds or fruits enclosed in a hard shell.
  14. 24. rice, brown rice
  15. 28. Oval or round objects laid by female birds, reptiles, and amphibians, commonly consumed as food.