  1. 2. A(n)... is a small round green fruit that grows on a bush and has a sour taste.
  2. 4. We should give this waiter a ... . He was extremely helpful and polite.
  3. 8. A sweet sticky substance produced by bees, used as food, is called ... .
  4. 9. A small round type of bread which you can eat with jam or honey is called a(n)... .
  5. 11. A take ... is a restaurant that sells meals to be eaten somewhere else.
  6. 12. Throw away these old potatoes, they are ...
  7. 13. Let’s go to the restaurant but everybody pays for themselves. Yes, let’s go ... .
  8. 14. What ... do I need to make a cheesecake? Some flour, eggs, cheese, raisins and sugar.
  1. 1. A plant with a round dark red root that you cook and eat as a vegetable is called a .... .
  2. 3. ... is a yellow sauce with a strong taste, eaten especially with meat and sausages.
  3. 5. A thin flat round cake made from flour, milk, and eggs, that has been cooked in a flat pan and is eaten hot is called a(n).... .
  4. 6. Food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal and stays on your plate is called .... .
  5. 7. My son has a … tooth. He loves chocolate and toffees.
  6. 9. …. is a meal eaten in the late morning, as a combination of breakfast and lunch.
  7. 10. ... is a plant like a small onion, used in cooking to give a strong taste.