
  1. 1. Guacamole base
  2. 3. can have layers, has icing, can be made with ice cream
  3. 4. served with bacon and eggs
  4. 7. salad base
  5. 8. "moo moo moo",hamburger
  6. 10. better when big and crunchy
  7. 11. SOOO yummy, sweet fruit, yellow, has a pit
  8. 12. Bella HATES these
  9. 13. rolled with veggies or fish
  10. 15. made with eggs, condiment, kinda yucky
  11. 16. will make ya fart
  1. 2. "bock-bock BACOCK"
  2. 3. best dessert, most scrumptious, yummy yummy
  3. 5. gives certain people we are friends with the sharts
  4. 6. yummy yummy,charcuterie board, kinda stinky
  5. 9. long and wiggly
  6. 14. fishy and orange