
  1. 5. Small seeds of a particular type of grass. It is commonly eaten in China and Japan.
  2. 6. A sweet fruit, usually with a green skin and a lot of juice.
  3. 9. A dark brown powder with a strong flavor and smell that is made by crushing dark beans.
  4. 12. A small, round, purple or pale green fruit that you can eat or make into wine.
  5. 13. A type of fungus that are eaten.
  6. 14. A long, thin, pale green vegetable with dark green skin, usually eaten in salads.
  7. 16. A sweet, brown fizzy drink.
  8. 17. A large, round vegetable with large green or purple leaves.
  9. 19. A food made from flour, water, and usually yeast, mixed together and baked.
  10. 20. A round fruit with red or green skin.
  11. 21. An oval fruit that has a thick, yellow skin and sour juice.
  1. 1. A food that is made from grain and eaten with milk or yogurt.
  2. 2. A food made from milk; it is usually yellow.
  3. 3. A very cold, sweet food made from frozen milk or cream.
  4. 4. Long, thin pieces of potato that are fried and eaten hot.
  5. 7. The oval object with a hard shell that is produced by female birds.
  6. 8. An animal that lives in water.
  7. 10. The liquid that comes from fruits or vegetables.
  8. 11. A slightly sour, thick liquid made from milk with bacteria added to it.
  9. 15. A seed, or the pod containing seeds, of various climbing plants, eaten as a vegetable.
  10. 18. A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin.