
  1. 3. Food from the East, especially Asia.
  2. 7. A taste associated with unripe fruit.
  3. 8. Food containing lots of dairy.
  4. 10. Not sweet, but has a sharp taste, another name for British beer.
  5. 11. A taste that makes your mouth burn.
  6. 13. Food that stimulate hunger.
  7. 14. Food that is nice to eat.
  8. 15. Food, such as cabbage, left in vinegar.
  1. 1. A taste that is associated with desserts.
  2. 2. Real nice food.
  3. 4. Food that has gone off.
  4. 5. Food that has a pleasant smell.
  5. 6. Addition of spices, such as salt and pepper.
  6. 9. Food containing a lot of oil.
  7. 10. Food that is overcooked.
  8. 12. Organs used as food.