
  1. 1. containing a lot of fat, butter, eggs, etc. and making you feel full quickly
  2. 2. черствый
  3. 7. креветки
  4. 10. аппетит
  5. 12. кислый
  6. 16. выжимать сок
  7. 17. how food or drink tastes
  8. 18. яйцо-пашот
  9. 21. картофельное пюре
  10. 22. an amount of food given to somebody at a meal, a portion
  11. 23. салфетка
  12. 25. having a strong taste because spices have been added to it
  13. 26. зеленый салат
  14. 27. тереть на терке
  1. 1. гнилой
  2. 3. hot food, such as hamburgers and chips, that is served very quickly and can be taken away to be eaten in the street
  3. 4. to be very very hungry
  4. 5. a thin sauce added to salads, usually made from oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, etc.
  5. 6. made from brown flour
  6. 7. хурма
  7. 8. having had enough to eat
  8. 9. food you buy from a restaurant to eat at home
  9. 11. the quantity you eat of a kind of food during a meal
  10. 13. one of the things from which something is made, especially one of the foods that are used together to make a particular dish
  11. 14. unhealthy food
  12. 15. бобы
  13. 19. поздний завтрак
  14. 20. рецепт
  15. 24. чистить кожуру
  16. 25. перекус