
  1. 5. You eat this food with rice. It is spicy or sweet.
  2. 8. You eat this in summer. It is green and red.
  3. 10. This bitter drink gives you energy.
  4. 11. It is in rivers and oceans.
  5. 13. Fish and rice.
  6. 14. You eat many of this small, white food every day.
  7. 15. Chickens make this.
  8. 16. This food is from Italy. It has tomato sauce and cheese on bread.
  9. 17. Matcha and Chai are this kind of drink.
  1. 1. You can buy this at Mcdonalds.It has meat or vegetables in bread.
  2. 2. They are fried potatoes.
  3. 3. This sweet is a circle with a hole in the center.
  4. 4. Fruits make this drink.
  5. 6. Monkeys like this yellow and white food.
  6. 7. You can buy this food from 31. It is cold.
  7. 9. You drink this every day. It has miso.
  8. 10. Rabbits like this orange food..
  9. 12. Cows make this.
  10. 13. This food has many vegetables and dressing.