
  1. 5. it can come from cows, goats, or made with soy, and even almonds
  2. 8. a lot of families go to an orchard to pick these in the fall
  3. 10. what came before, the chicken or the ...?
  4. 11. people can be deadly allergic to these, they are an excellent source of protein on the go
  5. 13. this sweet cocoa treat can be good for you, only if it is 70% and above ...
  6. 14. a very good source of protein
  7. 15. this is so yummy, especially when melted
  8. 16. is you are a pescatarian the only meat you eat is
  9. 18. can find this in a lot of Indian, Chinese, and Mexican dishes
  10. 19. an underwater sponge lives in this
  1. 1. it is said that if you eat this it will give you better eye sight
  2. 2. some people don't have time for breakfast, so they bring it on the go in a mason jar. You can put any fruit or vegetable in it
  3. 3. what you need to put peanut butter and jelly on
  4. 4. a dairy product that can have an array of fruits in it
  5. 6. you can put as many toppings as you like on this and it will still taste yummy
  6. 7. a yummy sweet you put on top of pancakes or waffles
  7. 9. a spread you can also use to dip your carrots, celery, or pita bread in
  8. 12. nothing warms you up more than a nice hot bowl of ...
  9. 15. I'm not a toast person, I rather have a big bowl of this
  10. 17. something sweet we get at Halloween