
  1. 2. A drink that causes harm to the liver, brain, and heart.
  2. 4. Oranges are a good source of ____.
  3. 7. Some say these fields go on forever.
  4. 8. Labels on the backs of food items.
  5. 10. A food listed in the Latin American Diet Pyramid. It begins with the letter A.
  6. 13. Food-borne Illness from chipotle lettuce.
  7. 14. A condition that results from fatty buildups in blood vessels, and is very hard to spell.
  8. 15. Let's get this _____.
  1. 1. A drink that is better than its more loved counterpart.
  2. 3. Animal that likes to cross the road a lot.
  3. 5. Hormone that regulates the body's blood sugar.
  4. 6. 55% of a Diabetics food intake.
  5. 9. "______! Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew." - Sam Gamgee
  6. 11. A food item made with a variety of fruits, also sung about by Don McLean.
  7. 12. Produced by Lè Cow.