
  1. 1. ------- are the largest of microoraganism but are still single cells and some produce spores
  2. 3. the most important food appearance factor pigments naturally occuring ----- play a role in food coloring
  3. 5. irradiation causes undesirable flavor changes in ----- products
  4. 7. which micromineral is essential for the production of the thyroid hormones
  5. 9. intimate contact occures between the food or package and refrigerant with------ freezing
  6. 11. ------ can be achieved on the basisi of density or size and shape
  7. 13. ------ is the transfer of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves
  8. 14. foods high in -----or other solutes dry more slowly
  1. 2. sucrose is commonly refers to as
  2. 4. sundried ------- are the best known of all dried fruits
  3. 6. fibre is important in ---- function
  4. 8. fermentation microorganisms produce ----- and growth factors in the food.
  5. 10. reducing the volume and weight of a product saves ----- during processing
  6. 12. the RDA is reversed approximately every---years