
  1. 4. ___ & eggs are usually eaten for breakfast
  2. 6. you put food in vinegar and it comes out a ___
  3. 8. birthday cake ___
  4. 10. cereal and ___
  5. 12. something that is eaten in the afternoon
  6. 14. fries are made of this
  7. 15. something that is eaten at night
  8. 16. similar to crackers
  9. 17. steak
  1. 1. chocolate chip ____
  2. 2. a bread with a hole in the middle, not a donut
  3. 3. you eat this when watching a movie
  4. 5. bread is made out of ____
  5. 7. ice ___
  6. 9. a type of fish you can put into sandwiches
  7. 11. they can be purple or white
  8. 12. a leafy vegetable
  9. 13. mostly vegetables with dressing
  10. 16. something that is eaten in the morning