- 3. A sweet drik with bubbles
- 4. The English for "ostrica"
- 7. The name of pig meat
- 8. It is inside a cherry, an apricot or a plum
- 10. It means to cook in the oven
- 11. Its opposite is "tough"
- 12. Its synonym is "carbonated"
- 14. To cut into pieces
- 16. It means "masticare"
- 17. The English for "tisana"
- 18. It means "maturo"
- 19. Another word for "French fries"
- 1. You do it to an orange to get its juice
- 2. The English for "ananas"
- 5. The English for "marcio"
- 6. Meat with little fat in it
- 9. It's orange, can be grated a& eaten raw
- 12. The English for "crostaceo"
- 13. You do it when you eat an icecream in a cone
- 15. To remove the skin of a potato