Food and drink

  1. 2. An oval fleshy fruit which is purple, reddish, or yellow when ripe and contains a flattish pointed stone
  2. 3. fruit The edible purple fruit of a kind of passion flower that is grown commercially, especially in tropical America and the Caribbean
  3. 5. A cultivated plant of the parsley family, with closely packed succulent leaf stalks which are used as a salad or cooked vegetable
  4. 7. A cultivated variety of cabbage which bears heads of green or purplish flower buds that are eaten as a vegetable
  5. 9. A European plant cultivated for its large thistle-like flower heads
  6. 11. A spherical fruit with a tough golden-orange outer skin and sweet red gelatinous flesh containing many seeds
  7. 12. A tropical fruit shaped like an elongated melon, with edible orange flesh and small black seeds
  8. 14. A tall plant of the lily family with fine feathery foliage, cultivated for its edible shoots
  9. 16. Maize of a variety with kernels that have a high sugar content. It is grown for human consumption and is harvested while slightly immature
  10. 19. An aromatic yellow-flowered European plant of the parsley family, with feathery leaves
  1. 1. A juicy, soft fruit of an orange-yellow colour resembling a small peach
  2. 4. A dish of Italian origin, consisting of a flat round base of dough baked with a topping of tomatoes and cheese
  3. 6. An edible soft fruit related to the blackberry, consisting of a cluster of reddish-pink drupelets
  4. 7. The edible dark-red spherical root of a kind of beet, eaten as a vegetable
  5. 8. A round yellowish edible seed, widely used as a pulse, also called garbanzo
  6. 10. A large round yellow citrus fruit with an acid juicy pulp
  7. 13. A soft pear-shaped fruit with sweet dark flesh and many small seeds, eaten fresh or dried
  8. 15. An edible Asian plant of the goosefoot family, with large dark green leaves which are widely eaten as a vegetable
  9. 17. The large oval brown seed of a tropical palm, consisting of a hard woody husk surrounded by fibre, lined with edible white flesh and containing a clear liquid
  10. 18. A plant related to the onion, with flat overlapping leaves forming an elongated cylindrical bulb which together with the leaf bases is eaten as a vegetable. It is used as a Welsh national emblem