food borne illnesses

  1. 1. avoid _____ with someone sick
  2. 6. _____ can be infected when eating uncooked shellfish
  3. 7. when cooking ___ your hands
  4. 8. ______ foods within two hours of cooking
  5. 10. never eat infected ____
  6. 11. ______ is a common symptom to get from food borne illnesses
  7. 12. you shouldn't eat from a dented can because you might get ____
  8. 13. elderly, young children, and pregnant women are more at ____ than others
  9. 14. _______ bacteria can be found in the nose
  10. 17. avoid ____ food
  11. 18. cleans _____ disinfect
  12. 19. always make sure your ____ is always cooked
  13. 20. you can get _____ from raw chicken
  1. 2. ______ can be obtained when eating raw chicken,turkey, or geese
  2. 3. always make sure ____ are never dented
  3. 4. _____ can be caught from hot dogs and deli meats
  4. 5. not all _____ are bad
  5. 9. you can get _____ from raw ground beef
  6. 15. don't _____ food when ill
  7. 16. never drink _____ water