Food Chains

  1. 2. Animals that feed only on plants.
  2. 5. Different populations in a community ________ and depend on one another for survival.
  3. 9. An organism that gets its food directly or indirectly from plants.
  4. 10. An organism that makes its own food.
  5. 11. Animals that feed only on other animals.
  6. 12. Animals that feed on both plants and animals.
  7. 14. Best Science teacher ever.
  1. 1. Animals that are killed and eaten.
  2. 2. A place where an organism lives, grows and reproduce.
  3. 3. Animals that hunt and kill other animals for food.
  4. 4. An organism which breaks down dead and waste matter into simple substances.
  5. 6. A group of organisms of the same kind living together and reproducing in a particular place.
  6. 7. Different populations of organisms living together in the same habitat.
  7. 8. A living thing
  8. 13. The primary source of energy.