Food Chains

  1. 4. What type of animal eats both plants and meat?
  2. 9. An example of a large scavenger bird
  3. 10. These type of living things are tiny and feed on bodies of dead animals in order to break it down. These are mostly plants and fungi.
  4. 11. What is the name for all plants because they make their own food by using sunlight and start all food chains
  5. 12. An example of a big cat predator
  1. 1. What type of animal only eats meat?
  2. 2. An animal which hunts other animals to eat is called...?
  3. 3. An example of an omnivore
  4. 5. What are all animals? They cannot make their own food so must eat other animals or plants.
  5. 6. These type of animals feed on the dead bodies of other animals.
  6. 7. Producers get their energy from the...?
  7. 8. What type of animal only eats plants?
  8. 11. An animal eaten by a predator is it's...?
  9. 13. The name of where a living thing lives and gets all it needs to survive