Food Chains & Food Webs

  1. 3. - living thing
  2. 8. special body feature or behavior that helps an organism stay alive
  3. 9. - the number of different species in an area
  4. 10. - group of organisms that are the same.
  5. 12. - all the populations living in one area
  6. 14. pyramid - shows how energy moves through a food web
  7. 16. - organism that makes its own food and serves as a source of food for other organisms.
  8. 17. - animal that kills and eats other animals
  9. 18. - species that has disappeared from Earth
  10. 20. - all the interacting living and nonliving things in one area
  11. 21. - organism that feeds on and breaks down dead organisms
  12. 23. - all the members of a species living in one area
  13. 25. - everything around a living thing
  14. 26. web - all the food chains in an ecosystem
  1. 1. chain - shows how organisms get food and energy
  2. 2. - the area in which an organism lives
  3. 4. - adaptation that helps an organism blend in with its surroundings
  4. 5. - things in food that organisms need to live
  5. 6. - in danger of becoming extinct
  6. 7. - organism that lives in or on another organism and gets its food from it
  7. 10. - consumer that eats dead plants or animals
  8. 11. - organism that eats other organisms in a food chain
  9. 12. - consumer that eats only animals
  10. 13. - consumer that eats only plants
  11. 15. - to act with each other
  12. 17. - animal that is killed and eaten by other animals
  13. 19. - organism that a parasite lives in or on
  14. 22. - adaptation in which an organism looks like another organism or thing
  15. 24. - consumer that eats either plants or animals