Food Choices

  1. 4. The minimum amount of fruit and vegetables you need a day
  2. 6. We have chocolate ones at Easter
  3. 8. Needed for growth and repair in the body
  4. 12. Sometimes these make you cry!
  5. 13. Found in pasta, bread and potatoes
  6. 14. What we have on Mondays in the school canteen
  7. 16. In the school canteen on a Friday!
  8. 17. Tool used to remove the skin on a potato or apple
  9. 19. Makes bread rise
  1. 1. A type of red meat
  2. 2. Type of milk small children should have
  3. 3. Someone who doesn't eat any animal products
  4. 5. Those with severe allergies carry one
  5. 7. What the winner will get when they finish this crossword!
  6. 9. You are deficient in this if you have anaemia
  7. 10. Vitamin that pregnant women to take to reduce neural tube defect
  8. 11. Disorder where the body fails to control the amount of sugar in the blood
  9. 15. We eat food to give us this...
  10. 17. Circular bread with toppings
  11. 18. A traditional Sunday meal in the UK