
  1. 3. human body has a covering for whole body
  2. 4. Disease against which first vaccine was made
  3. 5. Loss of Water
  4. 7. Builds strong bones
  5. 8. Vegetable rich in carbohydrates
  6. 10. is caused by lack of Vitamin C
  7. 12. Nutrient with 3 letters in it
  8. 14. A communicable disease
  9. 17. father of immunology
  10. 18. Cleans the small and large intestine
  11. 19. Disease causing micro-organisms
  12. 21. Casuses ringworm
  13. 23. we can overcome by taking vegetable rich in iron
  14. 24. non communicable disease
  1. 1. Builds muscles
  2. 2. Kills the germs that enter the body
  3. 3. effect of contaminated food and water
  4. 6. helps body to remain healthy and fight diseases
  5. 9. number one of cause of death
  6. 11. Washing hands is one of them.
  7. 13. Spreads the disease
  8. 15. The insect which spreads dengue
  9. 16. protect eyes
  10. 20. Traps micoorganisms and prevent them entering body
  11. 22. is caused by lack of iodine