Food insecuritiy

  1. 3. excessive tilling of the soil leads to -----
  2. 5. Countries in this continent are generally food insecure
  3. 6. A condition in which all people have Physical and Economic access to Nutritious food at all times.
  4. 8. More than 800 ----- people are food insecure
  5. 10. Lack of one or all of nutrients necessary for the human body
  6. 11. physical and economic access to food at all times
  7. 12. sufficient food for all people at all times
  8. 14. The country with the most hungry individuals
  9. 15. Main cause of food insecurity in 3rd world countries
  10. 16. Hungriest country in the world
  11. 18. A ---------- uses diverse crops and animals, crop rotation, and organic matter cycles
  12. 19. Access to food that is nutritous and safe, and producted in sustainable ways.
  13. 20. One of the natural phenomenons that make achieving food security challenging
  1. 1. People in poor countries are more likely to have less ------ access to food
  2. 2. insecurity living in a situation with limited or uncertain availability of safe and nutritious food
  3. 4. irrigation without adequate drainage leads to
  4. 7. Making food in a way that does not compromise it's availability for next generations.
  5. 9. A Major non natural cause of food insecurity
  6. 13. Access to culturally acceptable food, which is produced and obtained in ways that do not compromise people's dignity, self respect or human rights.
  7. 17. Refers to the lack of food on a global scale