Food KQ2

  1. 6. In the _____, the long-growing season enables farmers to have 2 or 3 harvests in a year because the daily temperature range there is between 22oC and 32oC and its average annual rainfall is greater than 2,000 mm.
  2. 8. As the price of fertilisers increases, the cost of producing food will increase and hence the price of food will increase. To the ______, any increase in food prices may result in them being unable to afford enough food to meet their basic nutritional needs.
  3. 9. In Liberia, a state of emergency was declared in 2009 when invaded by millions of a new species of caterpillars known as the __________ , which devoured all plants and food crops in their path.
  4. 12. Eutrophication is the presence of excess chemical _________________that reach the rivers and they become nutrients for algae to grow on water surface.
  5. 13. Due to rapid ______ growth and increase in demand for food , countries have intensified food production to meet the demand.
  6. 14. Stockpiling is the setting aside and storage of food to ensure food security during ________________________ situations.
  7. 17. Food _________ exists when all people in an area are able to obtain sufficient quantities of safe and nutritious food at all times to meet their dietary needs.
  8. 18. The use of pesticides is necessary to fight the high level of damage done by ________ and weeds that frequently occurs when only a single crop covers a wide area.
  9. 19. The intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports that the glaciers are receding rapidly and could melt entirely by 2035. If this occurs, it would result in a loss of water during the ______ season, leading to smaller harvests for farmers.
  10. 20. in Sub-Saharan Africa, existing small land suitable for ___________ decline due to rising temperatures which pose threat to food production and food security in region.
  1. 1. Stability of food supply of a country is affected by presence of ______________ barriers such as mountains and when the country has a lack of storage facilities.
  2. 2. Fertile soil found in floodplains along river, in deltas and near volcanoes because ______ from river and volcanic ash are deposited from time to time during river flooding and fresh volcanic ash during volcanic eruption.
  3. 3. Although temperature required for growth varies among crops, temperatures that regularly fall _____ 5oC make it difficult for crops to grow.
  4. 4. _______________ refers to large-scale farming and related business activities such as processing, packaging, distributing and retailing.
  5. 5. ASEAN Plus 3 Emergency Rice Reserve is a commitment from big rice producers such as __________, China and South Korea to supply rice for a reserve during times of disaster.
  6. 7. Commercial farming is characterised by large-scale production of crops for sale, grown on plantation, requires large __________ to buy machinery to increase production.
  7. 10. HYVs are improved strains of crops such as rice, wheat, other cereals that require more water and nutrients to grow within __________ growing season so that there can be more harvest in a year.
  8. 11. A gentle or flat relief is generally more productive for farming because__________ is less likely to run off in gentle slopes and easier to operate machines.
  9. 15. Crop ______ refers to the amount of crops produced on a unit area of farmland.
  10. 16. IR58, known as Super Rice, is __________to most pests and diseases and have a shorter growing period of 100 days so farmers in LDCs enjoy higher outputs.