Food Preparation Recall

  1. 3. The spread of fats at different temperatures is known as what?
  2. 5. What is the energy that is transferred from contact with a frying pan.
  3. 9. A person who is overweight with excess body fat.
  4. 10. When protein bonds start to unravel/change shape
  5. 13. A triangle test is an example of what type of test.
  6. 15. Poor oral hygiene can lead to...
  7. 16. Vitamins A,C& E are all examples of this. They delay the process of oxidation.
  8. 17. A biological raising agent, used in bread.
  9. 18. The thickening of starch based sauces.
  10. 21. When sugar (sucrose) breaks down into smaller units and changes colour.
  11. 25. Fats that are solid at room temperature and their carbon chain is linked with single bonds.
  12. 26. A lack of iron is a condition of the blood when the blood has a low red blood cell count, this is known as...
  13. 27. What type of fibre can help lower cholesterol and control blood sugar level?
  14. 28. A disease resulting from too much sugar in the blood.
  15. 29. oil and water is an immiscible solution, when combined with lectithin (emulsifier) it goes through what process?
  16. 31. Over coagulation of protein resulting in water leaking out.
  17. 34. People of Islam can only eat this type of food due to the religious rite it goes through.
  18. 35. The deficiency from severe malnutrition, with diets not containing enough protein.
  19. 36. What is the name of the UK Healthy Eating Guidelines.
  20. 38. Formed when two monosaccharides bind together.
  21. 40. Proteins are made of 'building blocks' called what?
  22. 43. What type of Vitamin A do you get from animal products?
  23. 44. Protein, carbohydrates and fats are categorised as what?
  24. 47. What is the process that causes sliced apples to brown when in the presence of oxygen
  25. 48. When gliadin and glutenin are combined together, what protein is produced?
  26. 49. Fats that are liquid at room temperature and contain double or triple bonds.
  27. 50. Losing bone mass is part of the ageing process.
  28. 51. What is the heat transfer when heat is moved through gas and liquids?
  1. 1. Helps absorb vitamin D and is good for strong bones and teeth.
  2. 2. The breakdown of starch into small units of sugar, resulting in baked goods going golden brown.
  3. 4. Fat coats the flour which shortens the gluten strands.
  4. 6. The total distance that food has travelled from farm to fork
  5. 7. The bacteria category that can cause illness or harm
  6. 8. The spread of bacteria from one place to another is known as what?
  7. 11. What is the transfer used in microwaves?
  8. 12. The process of trapping air when butter and sugar is beaten together.
  9. 14. Vitamins and minerals are categorised as what?
  10. 19. the most severe reaction from an allergy, that can be life threatening.
  11. 20. Farming continuously to maxamise the yield.
  12. 22. The deficiency of calcium or vitamin D in children.
  13. 23. Glucose, Fructose and Galactose are all examples of what category of sugars?
  14. 24. Which water based cooking method preserves the nutrients in vegetables.
  15. 30. What is the chemical reaction when amino acids and sugars are dry heated and turn brown.
  16. 32. Pasta,cakes,bread,yoghurt,cheese and jam are all examples of what type of processing?
  17. 33. Denatured proteins join and change texture and appearance of food.
  18. 37. The bacteria that is found on hands, nose and hair.
  19. 39. The combination of two LBV proteins to make a HBV protein is known as protein ...
  20. 41. What is the autoimmune diseased cause by consuming gluten.
  21. 42. Continuous access to healthy, nutritious and affordable food.
  22. 45. A type of farming that uses no pesticides or artificial/chemical fertilisers.
  23. 46. Triglycerides are made up of three fatty acids and a what?