Food Revisiom

  1. 1. .................. Is an example of a biological raising agent
  2. 6. This is blessed meat that muslims can eat
  3. 7. Foods which are only available some parts of the year
  4. 9. This religion is strictly vegetarian some vegan and they avoid alcohol.
  5. 10. These make up protein
  6. 12. The two main knife skills are ........ and Claw
  7. 14. When starch particals swell and burst causing the sauce to thicken
  8. 15. This is found in the blood and a deficiency in this is called anemia
  1. 2. Vitamins A, C and E are known as......................... and they help aid the ammune system
  2. 3. We wash pots thoroughly to avoid cross-......
  3. 4. Examples of mechanical raising agents include; shortening, creaming and......
  4. 5. When food is heated from contact with a direct heat surface
  5. 8. This is the minimum amount of energy your body needs to survive
  6. 11. Vitamins A, D, E, K are known as ......... Soluble Vitamins
  7. 13. This is the colour of the chopping board used for raw meat