Food Safety

  1. 3. shelves an hour Thaw foods in the fridge or cold water, changing the wat thermometer Use this for accurate results to check the temperature Check these if ever unsure of where to store the food.
  2. 5. Food bourne illnesses are often called.
  3. 6. This food bourne illness grows in environments without oxygen.
  4. 7. There are how many basic habits wnds your hands Before touching or handling food you must.
  5. 8. This is the second step in the four basic habits of food safety.
  6. 11. A Sneezing onto hands and then touching food is an example of this.
  7. 12. This foodborne illness involves raw and undercooked poultry and poultry products.
  8. 14. These are always present in the kitchen.
  1. 1. foods It is always important to pick this up last a zone This is when the temperature is between 4'C and 60'C.
  2. 2. If you are not going to eat the food within four days you must.
  3. 4. Coughing directly onto an item is an example of this.
  4. 9. This food bourne illness is found in soil and water as it may take weeks to spread to different areas of your body such as your nervostaphylococcus aureusoccusaurues This food bourne illness is found on human skin and involves homemade foods such as sandwiches.
  5. 10. This is the last step of the four basic habits of food safety.
  6. 13. Botulinum Do not cool foods at.
  7. 15. This food bourne illness occurs from coming in contact with fecal matter.