Food Safety

  1. 2. _________________ contamination means keeping “uninfected food” like cooked meat, away from food that may have a source of a foodborne illness (like raw meat or vegetables)
  2. 5. Has been grown without pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, or genetic engineering
  3. 9. This bacteria is associated with undercooked ground meat
  4. 10. This foodborne illness has a high mortality rate and is associated with improper canning.
  5. 11. This may be added to hamburger but not ground beef
  6. 13. Food should not remain in the temperature danger zone for more than ________hours
  7. 15. Provides the main texture in a casserole
  8. 16. Pregnant women need to be concerned with this type of food borne illness found in soft cheeses
  9. 18. Used for color, prevents burning in a casserole
  10. 20. Food that helps thicken a casserole
  11. 23. To decrease the amount of fat in ground beef you can ______________off the fat after cooking
  12. 24. Foods that are from animal sources, cooked grains products, cut up fruit or veggies, are __ foods meaning they are perishable or will spoil at room temperatures.
  13. 27. One of the 4 C’s - Examples include washing hands and counters
  14. 28. Label must have the name and address of this
  15. 30. Added to food for a specific reason: helps improve the shelf life, taste, nutrition, and appearance of foods
  16. 31. One of the 4 C’s - Keeping foods below 400F to slow the growth of bacteria
  1. 1. One of the 4 C’s - What do you need to do to food to kill most foodborne pathogens
  2. 3. The _________ of a foodborne illness could be bacteria, a toxin, or a virus. Provides the right environment.
  3. 4. The Norwalk __________ is spread when personal hygiene is not followed
  4. 6. Storing food at the proper ________________ will help keep bacteria from growing
  5. 7. Food should not remain in the temperature danger zone of ________ to 140 degrees for more than 2 hours
  6. 8. Liquid that holds ingredients together in a casserole
  7. 12. If the food has eggs, milk, or peanuts, the label must have an _______________alert
  8. 14. Often added to improve the flavor of foods (added to fries)
  9. 17. By keeping this under two hours, you lessen the chance of large quantities of bacteria growing in perishable or risky foods.
  10. 19. On a food package must be listed from the most to the least by weight
  11. 21. For maximum freshness, ground beef should be used or frozen within 2 ___________of purchase.
  12. 22. Organic foods are grown without the use of this
  13. 25. Foodborne illness associated with cuts and skin irritations
  14. 26. Items which did not have to be tested to be added to foods - Generally Recognized As Safe
  15. 29. Salmonella is associated with _____eggs and undercooked poultry.