Food Safety

  1. 2. Chefs undergo this training to make sure the food is safe
  2. 6. You touch a stove
  3. 12. Clean hands after touching meat
  4. 13. Don't spill water on appliances
  5. 15. Important to prevent the spread of bacteria from employees
  6. 16. Assures that food and drugs are safe to consume
  7. 20. enforces standards in working
  8. 21. Responsible to provide a safe environment for workers
  9. 23. May occur even when precautions are taken
  10. 24. An unpredictable source of danger
  11. 25. The state of being very clean
  1. 1. Observe food industry employees while working to insure safety
  2. 3. Prevents small fires and stopes them
  3. 4. Cover all foods before using a disinfectant
  4. 5. improper use of a knife
  5. 7. Put food in a ---------
  6. 8. 40 degrees to 140 degrees
  7. 9. You got a bruise
  8. 10. Make sure to sanitized
  9. 11. Use ------- to prevent burns when holding hot plates
  10. 14. spread bacteria with your hands
  11. 17. Clean everything
  12. 18. Happens when somebody needs --------- care
  13. 19. Use proper ways to lift up heavy objects
  14. 22. Caught something on fire