Food safety and food defense

  1. 4. Must be washed after break and restroom,
  2. 6. Only type of gloves approved to handle finished good,
  3. 7. Protect food supply from intentional adulteration,
  4. 9. What color hairnet for temporary employees,
  5. 12. Abnormal response to a food,
  1. 1. What color hairnet do vendors/contractors wear,
  2. 2. Used to identify employees and includes picture,
  3. 3. color of hairnet for amcor employees,
  4. 5. What color hairnet do escorted contractors wear
  5. 8. Protect from a biological, chemical, or physical agent with potential to cause an adverse health effect: Food_,
  6. 10. Where is the pest control book kept,
  7. 11. hazard analysis of critical control points (acronym),