Food Security

  1. 1. rare or very little
  2. 5. when you do not have sufficient access to something you are at a...
  3. 7. diving searching through bins or rubbish for food
  4. 8. to carelessly dispose results in
  5. 10. another word for farming
  6. 11. the start of all wars
  7. 13. the opposite of being secure
  8. 16. to be let down or demeaned is called
  9. 19. farming to work land and farms too hard is over...
  10. 20. an adverse state of living or lack of money is to be in...
  1. 2. to be easily reached or acquired
  2. 3. change something that is killing the planet
  3. 4. deserts a place lacking access to fresh food and water
  4. 6. deflation when money has no value
  5. 9. faming farming in the city
  6. 12. loss food that is not eaten creates a lack or...
  7. 14. to feel safe
  8. 15. the amount of people living or in an area
  9. 17. an abbreviation for a term. Hint- Genetically...
  10. 18. shortages the opposite of water shortages